마지막 업데이트
2023. 1. 4.
Before starting to work on the development of the project, it was required to deeply analyse the Crowdfunding and Launchpads industries. We needed to understand complaints and problems from all participants' perspectives: investors, entrepreneurs/companies and platforms (kindly refer to our webiste for all of them).
We wish to create a solution for these problems by decentralizing the infrastructure of venture capitalism and private equity; but also enforcing a cycle of accountability and alignment of interests between parts.
With all that in mind, TCC is a web3, Ethereum blockchain-based investment and funding platform, governed by a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), from which disruptive startups as well as SME businesses will raise capital, where the platform´s team, entrepreneurs and investors have interests completely aligned by becoming CONG holders.
The TCC platform will be a decentralized ecosystem for investors to congregate. As chairman of the US Federal Commission, Jerome Powell has said at the French Conference in September of 2022; even the US FOMC considers DeFi as the next frontier for financial innovation.
TCC plans to use DeFi tools, such as tokenization, yield farming and liquidity pools to provide value to the CONG token. Investors are incentivized to keep their tokens and adopt CONG as a store of value.
DeFi technology will help to create a fair, transparent, and open decentralized ecosystem. Also, to ensure higher consensus design among investors resembling a democratized funding process. It provides zero-knowledge-proof authentication, decentralized data storage, trade negotiations, and much more benefits than the traditional model.
Below find a summary of the characteristics, utilities and rewards designed for the CONG token.
A Decentralized Autonomous Organization is at the center of Web3. It is a democratic process for a business to remain fair. Consensus voting is the go-to method for all major decisions. Below there are the main governance features for the CONG token.
How the project operates
TCC platform in the center of the ecosystem and it´s where Companies will raise capital through. After a Company applies for funding and holders vote in favour, this investment opportunity opens a campaign in the platform.
The investors, either retail or accredited ones, venture capital or private equity funds can allocate their capital in the deal; the earlier ones will have the first priority for investment allocation. The platform will receive USDT and BUSD in exchange for CONG. The CONG token is the only one in the whole ecosystem and will fund all Companies. Based on the TCC roadmap we will also be able to receive fiat and credit card soon.
Once a Company opens a campaign, it will be called CSC, Conglomerate Subsidiary Company. While CONG is not public tradable in a DEX or CEX, whenever a deal opportunity goes through the platform, the CONG price will be higher. Therefore, the earlier you invest and be a part of our Ecosystem, the better.
After the campaign is funded, TCC transfers the raised capital to the Company but not in one shot. We will put the whole capital in a side pocket account, similar to escrow account, and will release it just after milestones are achieved by the Company. CONG holders will approve whether the targets were achieved or not. This is an important security measure for the investors.
TCC management team, which has years of experience in Venture Capital and Private Equity industry, will always feed investors on the performances of CSCs and monitor them towards the agreed plan.
Moreover, seeking the best alignment between parts, the top management of the CSCs will be rewarded in CONG tokens, based on milestones achievements and a vesting schedule. So, if a Company goes well compared to the plan approved in the campaign, the management team will earn more money as their token will appreciate in value, that´s good for the entire Ecosystem.
While the CSCs generate cash either from dividends or from the sale of the Company, TCC may exchange this cash to either CONG by a buyback program or to USDT or BUSD and distribute to the holders. The holders can also decide to keep this cash in an escrow account and fund the next deal in the platform. This entire set of options shall impact CONG value positively.
When CONG token be tradeable in exchanges, Investors and CSC top management will also have the opportunity to sell their tokens in the market. A consensus voting procedure held by the DAO will decide the token issuance, redemption, distribution and buyback.
Project Selection & Norms
Projects submitted for funding campaigns will be thoroughly vetted by the TCC team before approval and listing. The project will also be available to the community for review, and positive assessment will influence the selection when that goes for voting.
As previously written, TCC team has years of experience in the industry, raising capital in various instruments forms, such as equity, convertible debt, debt, etc. The team also has already conducted many M&A deals throughout recent years. All this experience will be put in favour of our Ecosystem, helping to scrutinize funding applications. As the team is compensating by CONG, we are all aligned.
Every CONG holder can post an application for a new CSC deal. After passing through TCC management team scrutiny, it will go for consensus voting. After which, the CSC opportunity goes live on the TCC platform. The holder that referenced the deal will earn 0.5% of the capital raised in form of CONG tokens.
The projects our platform will support are broad. They can either be a new and disruptive startup or a real economy business. But founders must understand what projects TCC will not look at approvingly. Projects that deal with brown energy and projects that may exclude/discriminate any minority group regarding age, race, gender, sexual orientation and ethnicity will not be listed.
TCC wishes to create an inclusive environment and community for Companies and investors. A platform for free-thinkers and an innovative and decentralized future.
Failed Campaign
If a CSC fails to reach the soft cap required for the campaign to succeed, it will be considered a failure and the funds collected in the smart contract will automatically return to the investors.
This procedure is to minimize the risk of the Company and Investors. It is unlikely that founders would be able to work on the project and succeed them without the necessary funds.
이 쿠폰은 쿠폰 제공자가 제공 한 정보 및 기타 공개적으로 제공되는 정보를 기반으로합니다. 토큰 판매 또는 교환 이벤트는 ICO 보유자와 전적으로 관련이 없으며 ICOholder는 이에 관여하지 않습니다 (기술 지원 또는 프로모션 포함). ICOholder와 관계가없는 사람들로부터 나열된 토큰 판매는 고객이 전반적인 토큰 부문에서 발생하는 활동을 추적하는 데 도움이되는 경우에만 표시됩니다. 이 정보는 귀하가 의지해야 할 조언에 해당하지 않습니다. 당사 사이트의 내용을 기반으로 한 조치를 취하거나 삼 가기 전에 전문가 또는 전문가의 자문을 구하거나 자신의 실사를 수행해야합니다. 토큰 획득과 관련하여 참가자가 입력 한 조건은 토큰과 ICO 소유자의 발행인이 그러한 토큰의 판매자가 아닙니다. ICO 소유자는 토큰 판매와 관련하여 제 3 자의 진술에 대해 법적 책임이 없으며 계약 위반에 대한 청구는 여기에 열거 된 토큰 발행 기관과 직접 체결해야합니다.
이 토큰 판매 또는 관련 인물의 성격, 적법성 또는 합법성에 대해 우려되는 점이 있으면 [email protected] 에 문의하십시오. 귀하의 우려 사항에 대한 자세한 정보를 제공하십시오.