The creation of the $LYZI Token inherit from our experience which is why, defined by our set of constraints we will perform our token generation event (TGE) over Tezos, a protocol project that have learnt and improved over its competitors, was built specifically to offer better security (learning from ERC20 mistakes), formal verification for smart contract code, self-amanding system and taking into account the vast subject of migration by separating logic and data store. All of these makes it the prime choice for our TGE. It provides a better power consumption using a LPoS consensus mechanism allowing a far better energy efficiency, and an ability to provide with a faster pace of update with the implementation of self-amending governance to avoid hard forks while outperforming Ethereum protocol in speed, security and cost of usage. With those technical considerations and the fact that it’s deeply anchored into the European and French industrial and corporate ecosystem (Exaion, French Gendarmerie,...) and along its vast and growing worldwide ecosystem, Tezos clearly offers the best choice for the $LYZI token. Under such an environment, we are able to provide $LYZI in a usable, evolving and forward-thinking environment under a ridiculously low ecological and economical environment with transaction fee orbiting around a cent of a dollar. With the interoperability proposed in the crypto ecosystem, such a decision will not make $LYZI stuck on a specific blockchain, but will instead work as a main source of truth for the total supply. Additionally to build $LYZI on Tezos, we plan to join the Tezos baker community, as such, we will be able to be part of the network security and future evolution.
LYZI APP V1 and official launch - June 2022
LYZI Scan PRO - Q2 2022
API and ecommerce pluggins - Q3 2022
Merchant network - 1500 PoS - Q4 2022
LYZI APP V2 - Q1 2023
Staking and cashback - Q1 2023
Loyalty V1 - Q2 2023
Major exchange partnership + listing on CEX - Q2 2023
LYZI APP V3 + LYZI loyalty V2 - Q3/Q4 2023
Global expansion - 2024
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이 토큰 판매 또는 관련 인물의 성격, 적법성 또는 합법성에 대해 우려되는 점이 있으면 [email protected] 에 문의하십시오. 귀하의 우려 사항에 대한 자세한 정보를 제공하십시오.