Última actualización
8 sept 2021
By participating in our ICO, you get the opportunity to be part of the pioneers of the NPI blockchain.
Anyone participating in our ICO and holding HQZCASH will receive NPI when our blockchain opens.
1 HQZCASH will give 1 NPI which will be sent to your wallet after KYC verification.
Our goal is to create a new blockchain, one that meets government requirements.
The blockchain will be called NPI (New International Placement).
It aims to work in full transparency with governments and financial services.
This is why NPI will implement a KYT (Know Your Transaction) service in addition to the Oracle.
The Oracle will have the ability to verify the consistency of each block on the NPI blockchain.
This will make the NPI blockchain a 24-hour self-auditing blockchain.
Our blockchain will have the ability to deploy smart contracts that will subsequently be listed on the NPI marketcap and our exchange platform.
This will therefore give additional utility and value to the NPI crypto-currency.
Finally, the NPI blockchain will run under Masternode, which will create cost effectiveness and constant security for all our users.
All reasons to participate in our ICO without further delay...
HQZCASH is a pre-launch token
1 HQZCASH will give 1 NPI which will be sent to your wallet after verification of your KYC once the NPI blockchain is activated.
Token: BEP-20
Contract: 0x7c1f3a03237c88437a706396499668fec87ad63e
Total supply: 15.000.000 HQZ
Nouveau Placement International ROADMAP 2020 / 2021 Follow the past, current and future steps on our roadmap
Verificado 25%
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Si tiene alguna inquietud acerca de la naturaleza, propiedad o legalidad de esta venta de tokens o de las personas involucradas en ella, póngase en contacto con [email protected] . con información detallada sobre sus inquietudes.