Última actualización
10 oct 2022
As an established technology firm, we understand the value of bringing innovation and value added services to individuals' lives. With this vision, we successfully built a large user base of 120m MAU (monthly active user) in the mobile app industry.
Now, transferring and exchanging money around the World is a huge problem, that’s why we’re building Getwallet and Getcoin to serve the users’ needs in a simple, reliable and fast way. Users will be able to onboard in seconds and use their phone numbers as their crypto wallet IDs.
Getwallet: A custodial digital wallet where users can transfer, swap and earn funds. Getwallet signed a 2-year exclusive partnership with Getcontact application which has 120m+ MAUs where these users can leverage the desired features of Getwallet. Getwallet is planned to go live natively in the Getcontact app with the potential to tap into 120 million active users from day 1.
Getcoin: It is the official utility token of Getwallet. Getcoin will serve as a multi utility token to strengthen the Getwallet ecosystem and provide a variety of use cases to its users.
-Crypto transfers with phone numbers
-Simple UX/UI
-Engage to earn model
-Fast and low cost transactions
-Near 0% transaction fee
-Reward mechanism
-High yields on staking
-Smart Burn
Getcoin will be deployed on Polygon.
October 11
December 2022
Q2 2023
Q4 2023
Verificado 100%
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