FinCapital allows you to manage your entire portfolio in 1-click within a single platform.
Imagine a marketplace where, every month, you could become an early investor in all the next 100x crypto projects. Such places exist for the start-up: it’s the private VC market.
Solely on the AngelList Venture Platform, 287 licornes were available at the early investment stage. Week after week, there are opportunities to find highly profitable deals.
The Start-up market is in a gigantic non-stop Bullrun for 20 years. From few a year to several each weeks, the amount of Licornes keep increasing.
Private VC deals are only open to the 1%. Access to those hidden markets require the qualified investor statut and a lot of paperwork. The 99% will remain excluded from those deals. FinCapital will have access to those opportunities and provide its customers with exclusive tokenized access.
Nov 2022 - Exchange platform public launch
Dec 2022 - Tokenization plateform integration
Jan 2023 - FIAT program implementation
Q1 2023 - Trading platform is live
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