The FightOut platform is the bridge between Web2 users and the Web3 world. An account is created using an email address and subscriptions can be purchased inapp. Users will be motivated to buy using $FGHT (our native token) through a 25% discount. The process is made simple for Web2 users to onramp via Transak and uses our custom-built FightOut wallet. Once this first purchase is made, the Web2 user is conditioned both to pay with $FGHT over fiat, and to make in-app purchases without solely relying on earned REPS (our in-app currency – more on that below). Simplicity and incentives will drive mass adoption and increase the demand for $FGHT tokens.
The app is designed to provide everything the user needs to become Fighting Fit. On signup the user sets their goals, fitness background, available equipment, location, desired workout types, time available, and any excluded exercises or muscle groups. Nutrition, sleep, and other useful metrics can also be tracked within the app for further personalisation and social accountability.
For solo routines, our workout builder will program personalised routines. Exercises will be generated based on fitness best practices and the programming of our inhouse fight coaches and personal trainers.
Technique is critical to progress. Each exercise will be explained through high-quality instructional videos led by our head coach and PT, supplementary deep-dive videos on newbie mistakes, and advanced tips. Further, FightOut is building coaching programs aimed at helping users achieve specific goals whether ‘first muscle up’, or achieving a difficult in-app challenge or badge.
22’ Q4 - Presale
Once Presale Concludes
Q4 and beyond
Verificado 0%
Atención. Existe el riesgo de que los miembros no verificados no sean realmente miembros del equipo
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