ブロックチェーン技術は、中央の権限なしにすべてのノードにわたって合意を維持する方法を提供しました。ただし、このテクノロジは、リアルタイムのトランザクション決済やスケーラビリティなどの基本的な問題に直面しています。改良されたコンセンサスアルゴリズムにもかかわらず、現在のブロックチェーン実装は一度に1ブロックを同期するノードを使用します。確認に時間がかかることは、ブロックチェーンテクノロジが業界全体で広く使用されるのを妨げる最大の要因の1つです。 CardanoやEOSなどの第3世代Smart Contractプラットフォームが登場しましたが、これらのブロックチェーン内のスケーラビリティの問題は依然として残っています。これらの持続的な問題に対処するために、有向非巡回グラフ(DAG)に基づく新しい技術が開発されました。 IOTA、Hashgraph、Nanoなど、現在のブロックチェーンのスケーラビリティを向上させる新しいプラットフォームはすべてDAGに基づいています。この新しいテクノロジは、ノードが非同期にトランザクションを処理するため、リアルタイムのトランザクションを保証できます。同時に、無限のスケーラビリティを確保し、より多くのノードがネットワークに参加するにつれて、毎秒数十万のトランザクションを達成できます。ブロックがトランザクションから完全に削除され、したがって鉱夫が必要ないため、DAGは効率的です。 DAGでは、各トランザクションは相互にリンクされています。システムには鉱山労働者がいないため、より多くの人がトランザクションを使用するにつれてトランザクション時間が短縮されます。 IOTAやNanoなどのプラットフォームには、Ethereumに挑戦するためのスマートコントラクトdAppインフラストラクチャがありません。
June 2018
Q3 2018
Q1 2019
Q3 2019
Q2 2020
検証済み 0%
Fantom is not the first platform based on DAG. IOTA, Byteball, Nano and Hedera Hashgraph already started developing projects with the same technology. Hedera Hashgraph aims to raise 18M USD, which is twice smaller than Fantom wants to attract. There is no link to GIthub or other source to track the product development As of May 15th 2018, Beta is not available.
The chain is being designed so that FANTOM and low-level transaction tokens provide users not only access to the network but also Smart Credit functions. A Smart credit is an automated contract credit which uses Smart Contract technology stipulated in an internalized contract to force parties involved in the contract credit to fulfil their contractual obligations). As consumers grow and technologies evolve, Application hosts will require more FANTOM tokens to drive their business. A Smart credit contract guarantees user protection upon failure of the Application host (i.e. bankruptcy). Users can immediately regain their assets by redeeming them with FANTOM tokens that have been previously provided as surety, and connect them with other Application hosts. The company valuation - 100M USD - seems comparably high. The team does not clarify what "Market Development" reserved tokens will be spent for. The team gives a split of expenses only for 3 broad categories: Development, Operations, Marketing. This seems as a sketchy distribution.
There are 16 members working on the platform development + 11 foundation members, including CEO. Most of the core competencies are covered in the team. The CEO of Fantom has previous entrepreneurship experience. He sold one of his previous businesses(Point-I), and currently is the founder of Siksin Ltd (2M+ downloads from App store). The technical specialists have previous experience in Oracle. Most of the team members are located in Korea, while some key employees are in Australia. One of the senior developers does not have any other experience stated on Linkedin. Not all of the team members have Linkedin profiles.
3-May. Alexey: Fantom is interesting, the cap is rather big, however, it is Blockchain so its OK. We are watching it, right now we don't have a full opinion on this project.
23-May. Ivan: Lucas from PolicyPal is helping them. Technology is OK. There were red flags, but it has appeared to be FUD. Pre-sale is closed for now.
Sergey: Big team, looks like ICON. The whitelist will probably be oversubscribed. (28th May).
Andrey: We don`t have allocations. Link
30-May. Sergey: They raise a lot on pre-sale. I have been given small allocation, I have seen their wallet, funds are being raised actively. The project looks like ICON: big team, good advisory board. I think it is better not to miss this whitelist. Link
Fantom is one of several contenders that have chosen to combine DAG scalability with smart contracts for use utility. If the Fantom project is able to deliver on the promise of high TPS and leverage their industry domain toward enterprise adoption, we see the possibility for a path to actual use.
That said, at this point in the evolution of blockchain, when actual enterprise adoption of such technology will take place remains an open question. Regardless, we think the Fantom ICO has a team with the right mixture of blockchain expertise and industry domain for a fair shot.
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