In 2018 an idea was born. An idea that blockchain technology could be used to provide fans around the world with a new way to engage with their favourite sports teams and the teams with a new way to monetize their global fanbases. That idea has since grown into a successful multinational company - a crypto unicorn set to be 200-strong by the end of 2021 - that is pioneering a generational shift in the sports industry through digital assets called Fan Tokens and the fan engagement and rewards app.
Chiliz $CHZ is our eponymously titled digital currency, 8.8BN of which were generated in 2018. It is the digital currency for sports and entertainment, used by fans of the world’s biggest sports teams to purchase Fan Tokens on, and listed on the world’s biggest cryptocurrency exchanges, including Coinbase and Binance.
We have partners from leading sports teams from all over the world. We have staff in every corner of the globe and offices in Spain, Malta, France, Turkey, Brazil and South Korea. We’ll be adding to our collection of international hubs with more offices in North America and the UK soon.
We’ll be adding hundreds more partners in the years to come. Chiliz $CHZ will be the driving force behind a seismic shift in how fans engage with their favourite teams; a change that is already sweeping across the global sports industry, but is not even close to taking full effect is another bold project that will raise the profile of our mission, giving more visibility to Fan Tokens and $CHZ globally. We’re constantly looking at new ways to increase the utility of $CHZ as part of our mission to transform sports fan engagement globally and we always deliver.
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