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Last Update

Mar 6, 2018

BLOK. This is a platform that transforms the global workforce by bringing millions of people to the gig economy using block chain technology The platform helps in revolutionizing the global on demand workforce enabling the workers to be paid transparently without any exploitation making it vital
  • Market
    Volume 24H
    24H (price)
    24H (volume)
  • Token.Store
    BLO/ETH 2 one year ago
    $ 3.64E-6
    $ 4.67
  • BiteBTC
    BLO/ETH 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0060
  • Altilly
    BLO/ETH 3 one year ago
  • Altilly
    BLO/BTC 3 one year ago
  • ForkDelta
    BLO/ETH 3 one year ago
    $ 1.7367198055924E-5
  • Everbloom
    BLO/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 1.9380433700064E-5
Apr, 2018
May, 2018
100% completed
$500 000
1% goal completed
Goal 41 000 000.00 USD
Cap 41 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 BLK
    0.17 USD
Token Details
Accepted Currencies
Company Details
Registered Country
Additional Details

About Blok

Advances in technology have increased the independent workforce to approximately 162 million people or 20-30% of the working-age population in US and EU-15. Furthermore, 1 in 6 workers that participate in traditional jobs would like to join the gig economy.

Blok is designed to replace the outdated hierarchical workforce model, leading the charge to a productive, modern, and agile workforce. Blokpreneurs can browse all of the offer provided by companies, assign relevant offers to themselves, mark them as complete and get paid in BLK tokens. Blok uses smart contracts to eliminate friction regarding time, cost, quality, and transparency in matching workers and employers.


Blok is designed to replace the outdated hierarchical workforce model, leading the charge to a productive, lean, and agile workforce.

Blok benefits

Blok establishes a new paradigm for gig economy companies to solicit contractors for their gigs. A Blok platform user, called a blokpreneur (portmanteau for blockchain and entrepreneur, albeit can possibly mean an individual blokpreneur’s local (block-sized) sphere of influence), can browse all of the offers provided by the companies, assign relevant offers to themselves, mark them as complete and get paid in BLK tokens.

Blok uses smart contracts to eliminate friction in terms of time, cost, quality, and transparency in matching workers and employers. By utilizing the Blok platform to eliminate friction in the gig economy, we will empower workers and make hiring freelancers easier for companies. Further, by improving need identification and matching processes Blok will provide significant advances in the gig economy space.

Freelancers believe a diversified portfolio of clients is more secure than one employer. The average freelancer has an average of 4.5 clients per month.(Upwork) With a transparent and trustworthy connection process, freelancers will be able to apply for consistent gigs to meet their financial needs and the current needs of a company.

Generating a diverse portfolio is where automation, blockchain, and the gig economy link. By isolating and codifying a gig so that it can be outsourced to a worker, we are now automating the gig. Once the gig has been automated, gig workers are only used to supervise and carry out the gig. This leaves an AI system that allows gig workers, the blockchain, and technology to work together.

Blok benefits companies looking to distribute tasks on a decentralized platform reducing labor and capital costs, increasing the scale of production, and to reach large subject pools quickly. Firms and individuals can conduct business solely on Blok optimizing the services and products they provide.

Technical Info

Platform elements overview

Client apps

Client apps are essentially portable Ethereum wallets with an easy-to-use UI to browse Blok gigs on the Ethereum blockchain, start work on them, mark them as complete, receive funds for the gigs done and give & receive reputation. A crucial feature for official Blok client apps (on the web, iOS and Android) and probably many 3rd party apps will be converting BLK tokens earned by the blokpreneurs back to fiat money for withdrawal and spending.

Blokpreneur direct participation

While certainly not a much-expected use case, blokpreneurs will have an ability to directly use the Blok protocol through Ethereum clients of their choice. Also, we expect a whole ecosystem of analytics and other applications to spring up working on the open data of the Blok protocol by accessing blockchain directly.

Company client apps

Initially, Blok will help companies that want to integrate the Blok protocol in their workflow with a bespoke process to create their Gig smart contracts, oraclize their existing APIs to programmatically confirm the status of a finished gig etc.; eventually, user-friendly client apps may prove valuable to the companies as well.

Company direct participation

We obviously welcome companies to engage with the Blok protocol on their own, directly pushing Gig smart contracts to the blockchain, validating them with the Directory, find, hire and pay blokpreneurs for their gigs.

Role of cryptocurrency exchanges

While companies may acquire BLK in the initial token generation event or buy it directly from the BLK holders, more tokens will be needed over time, since BLK tokens are spent on the gigs performed. Cryptocurrency exchanges, then, play an integral role in making sure client apps have the liquidity to convert BLK to fiat, and that the companies are able to easily acquire more BLK.

The Directory and alternative directories

The Directory is a smart contract that makes sure that valid Gigs can be discovered by blokpreneurs. While an important part of Blok platform, it is in no way essential — competing implementations of the directory can be organized, with other client apps pointed at third-party directories for discovery. We hope that plurality and decentralization will foster innovation and healthy competition.

Role of the BLK token

BLK token is the lifeblood of Blok platform, being used to guarantee payments for successful gigs, making payment times shorter and ensuring that reputation provided and received by the blokpreneurs represents actual business transactions.

Blockchain choice

As of now, Blok platform development is committed to Ethereum blockchain, since it’s the most mature existing smart contract platform, with many exciting developments in its 2018 and 2019 roadmap that make sure that it will remain the top choice for hosting the Blok platform. If for any reason Ethereum team fails to meet its objectives to improve the scalability and throughput of the network or any of the competing blockchains (NEO, EOS or the upcoming TON) becomes a better choice for the Blok development, Blok team will migrate.


As of now, all the design choices regarding the Blok protocol and its implementations are done by the Blok team. In the future, we’d like to move away from centralized governance and have Blok protocol become (first partially, then completely) governed by major BLK holders. The timeframe and exact nature of the community governance will be discussed publicly and agreed upon in late 2018-early 2019. Please keep in mind that this only includes governance of the Blok network itself — Blok Inc. as a company remains private, and, thus, BLK remains a pure utility token.

BLK token

Purpose and usage

BLK token is the main medium of transactions on the Blok platform, facilitating payment for finished gigs to the contractors.

Blok abstracts away the complexities of paying contractors in over 200 jurisdictions with numerous payment systems by putting all payments on the Blok platform through Blok tokens (BLK).

Blok tokens serve the utility purpose of being the only protocol-compliant way to determine, describe and process payments for gigs on the Blok protocol. Using tokens have advantages over fiat- or cryptocurrency of being locale- and payment-method-independent, as well as being specific blockchain-independent (in the future, Blok protocol may be moved off the Ethereum blockchain without losing balances of any of the tokenholders).

In order to post a valid offer to the blockchain, a company is supposed to escrow a necessary amount of BLK tokens within the gig’s smart contract. BLK tokens, in this case, can be acquired during Blok’s token generation event, received (donated or bought) from the existing token holders, or extracted from the contractors by exchanging their earned BLK tokens into fiat by paying them off-chain.


Blok Roadmap

  • Quarter 4, 2017

  • Origin
  • Quarter 1, 2018

  • Assembling the team, pre-ICO
  • Quarter 2, 2018

  • ICO, protocol development
  • Quarter 3, 2018

  • Client apps launch
  • Read More
  • Quarter 4, 2018

  • Partner integrations, scaling up
  • H1 2019

  • Economic expansion
  • 2019

  • Economic expansion


1 709
15 506
1 709
15 507

Blok Team

Verified 50%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Ivan Cherevko
Kyle White
Jakub Muśko
Blockchain Engineer
Barton Rhodes
Data Scientist
Alya Cherevko
Frontend Engineer


$13 700 000

Kirill Kazakov
UX Designer


Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Alex Artemyev


$12 240 620

Adnan Javed

29 ICOs

$159 530 804

Ismail Malik

10 ICOs

$24 710 128

Dean “Sakis” Karakit...

Blok Interviews

Kyle White
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
CMO passionate about building a community to democratize the global on-demand workforce.
Jakub Muśko
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm responsible for the technical side of the platform - both the smart contracts and the web components that interact with them. I joined the team because I think there's a gap in the labour market that we can fill - to the benefit of both the gig economy job givers and takers.
Kirill Kazakov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
$ 3.64E-6
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
Volume 24h:
$ 4.67
Circ. Supply:
ICO profit
X 2.1411764705882E-5
ICO Price~$0.1700

Blok Reviews

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert


This is a platform that transforms the global workforce by bringing millions of people to the gig economy using block chain technology


  • Trust: The platform democratizes the gig economy by working with platforms rather against them and by empowering workers  hence hedging the risks of exploitation of the employees by employers  with fair and prompt payment
  • Payment benefits: The platform enables the workers to take home  substantial money  and shrinks payment cycles from biweekly to instantly hence beneficial to the users
  • Transparency: The decentralized and dynamic contracting allows the market to remain competitive  and lowers the risk of exploitation
  • Connection: The project  makes it easy for the user to connect with verified workers across the globe instantly   hence creating a liquid workforce
  • Compliance: The decentralized platform allows the gig economy labour market  to remain vibrant enabling the workers to be paid the same amount no matter how they are classified
  • The platform  has a good team with exuberant experience ranging from previous high grossing exits, grassroots leadership and scaling startups with the guidance of the CEO  Ivan Cherevko who has technical and executive experience
  • The platform white paper is well elaborated with adequate information to the users on how the project employs  the workers


  • The use of the Blok token doesn’t provide more incentives to the users including  rights  over the company
  • The  funds raised by Blok token  during the pre-sale stage is not insured and lacks warranties
  • The project  token is not easily exchangeable with fiat currencies hindering easy exchange of the users rewards  to their favorite currency


  • The platform project should be made exchangeable with other crypto currency and fiat to enable different workers use their favorite currencies
  • The platform should provide more incentives to the users by involving them in decision making process


The platform helps in revolutionizing the global on demand workforce enabling the workers to be   paid transparently without any exploitation making it vital hence I would invest in the project


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  • This information is not a suggestion or advice on investing in ICO funding. Please thoroughly investigate the relevant information yourself and decide on ICO participation.
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